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I’m a Vegan – What Shredded Cheese Is Out There For Me?

I’m a Vegan – What Shredded Cheese Is Out There For Me?

Pure Dairy’s Mexi Shred Blend is a unique four cheese blend with incredible texture that perfectly blends into any meal, hot or cold. Shredded cheese contributes to the flavour and appeal of countless dishes, cuts down on cooking preparation time, and boosts the appeal of many dishes. In addition to delivering exceptional melt and consistency, it also provides the perfect combination of stretch and flavour.Mexi shred blend is often used as a topping, but because it is pre-shredded it’s ready-to-use, and the cook does not have to shred the required cheeses separately and use up a whole lot of his time.

Featuring the goodness of the four best cheeses, Mexi Shred Blend Cheese is the perfect topping for tacos, enchiladas, nachos, quesadillas, and burritos. Besides Mexican dishes, you can use this Mexican cheese blend for other cuisines and dishes as well, including baked goods, chilli, salads and sandwiches. The cheeses used in the Mexican blend cheese have a lower melting point; therefore, they melt quickly and blend into your dish faster, making them the perfect cheese for topping. There are many dishes that the Mexi Shred Blend pairs well with, even if they’re not Mexican. Realistically you can use Mexi Shred Blend on any dish your heart desires, pot pies, cheesy meatloaves, jalapenos, casserole, cornbread, rolls, fries and tortillas.

However, you might be thinking that if I have vegan customers, then I can’t use Mexi Shred Blend, so is there an option for them?

You will need to look for a vegan shredded cheese alternative. The term ‘vegan shredded cheese’ refers to cheese that isn’t made from dairy. This comes from the popular trend of veganism, that involves a diet where no animal products are consumed. The vegan shredded cheese market is currently growing and now includes a huge range of products, from fresh soft ‘cheese’ to hard grate-able cheeses; made using products that don’t involve animals. Vegan cheese consists solely of plant-based ingredients without any animal products.

The components of vegan cheeses can be derived often from alternative forms of ‘milk’ usually made from a plant. The product can also be made from seeds, such as sesame and sunflower and commonly nuts (cashew, pine nut, peanut, almond), and soybeans. Other ingredients can include coconut oil, nutritional yeast, tapioca, rice, potatoes, and spices.

Although ingredients vary by brand and some brands use artificial ingredients, so even if opting for vegan shredded cheese will be kinder to your health as well as animals, the ingredients aren’t always great. So, when purchasing a vegan cheese from your supplier be sure to read the ingredients carefully and choose the best vegan shredded cheese options on the market. There are definitely a few options, you just need to choose the right one.

However, for those of us who still eat cheese containing dairy, you should try Mexi Shred Blend in your restaurants. Want to know where to find the best four Mexican shredded cheeses in Australia? Mexi Shred Blend from Pure Dairy provides you with the authentic taste of Mexican cheeses, right here in Australia.

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